Worried, Chaotic Feelings? Just Love

Daring to be a content developer and be the best at it is one of my not-so-secret fantasies. It’s a good thing being spiritual helps out as well. In this our current world, those who dare and take risk wins (maybe). Simple as 123x. These days, I find myself speaking these words: I dare you to love, be happy and be the man my love ones would be proud of.

All through the year, one question remains, what the hell happened to our new year resolutions? To cut back on the addictive trends and be sober?

Not many people are aware of the private battles you face daily, the constant heartaches you replace with an outwardly smile or the nervous laughter deployed to mask fear…ah, life is indeed beautiful.

Having people around is way different from having friends around. The constant chatter of people around only serves as a reminder to how lonely life truly can be when we feel we are missing out on all the fun so many people claim to be experiencing.

I’ve got great news, worrying never solves shit. Even shit, literally is a case for the biologists and the microbiologists to figure out. Trust me, I would know, I’m a scientist after all. The solution? Cheer yourself up, take a chill pill.

Yes, Nigeria can be a messed up place to live in when you feel the world is on your shoulders. Your home might be a tough nut to crack because you feel different from others around; I say this to you, never have any fear or have any doubts to how good life can really be.

Life is many things, so why don’t we all see life from a different point of view whenever the depressing feelings comes in and just do a fuck it yoga to clear up the muddled thoughts.

We are living at the mercy of the oceans, live your life like a tsunami is programmed to wreck it all soon. Have no bloody regrets and most importantly, love hard, love fast and keep the fear of breakups at bay.

I dare you to love, I dare you to stop hating, I dare you to end the self inflicted depression, I dare you to be happy. I dare you to laugh without shame, I dare you to call your crush and proclaim your undying love, I dare you to be happy .

I double dare myself to heed my words.

Comment on what makes you sad or depressed and take all that negativity off your beautiful mind.

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